Bridge Events
Monday Events
Junior Pairs
This event will be won by the top pair of “B” grade players.
Monday Teams:
A team may consist of “A” and “B” players, so long as there are no more than two “A” players. An “A” player must partner a “B” player.
Monday Founders’ Ladder:
There is no limit to the number of sessions a “B” grade player may play with an “A” grade player.
The event must be won by the top “B” grade player.
An award will be made to the highest scoring “A” grade player who has played with a different “B” grade player for each of the required number of qualifying sessions.
All other Monday pairs events, with the exception of Mixed Grade events, will be won by the top “B” grade partnership provided that its final ranking is within the first 5 places. Where no “B” grade partnership reaches this level then the prize will be awarded to first “B” grade player, assisted by an “A” grade player, within that range.
Wednesday and Friday Events
All Players playing in these events are eligible to win prizes except where designated in the programme as being an event for a particular grade.