Feed-ins & Movements


There is always an even number in total. If feed-ins are required:

  • Odd numbers of tables – even number of feed-ins into last table.
  • Even number of tables – odd number (X boards per table) of feed-ins into last table and one (X boards per table) of feed-ins into the table having the number of half the number of tables being played.

For example, if only one board is being played per table, then there should be only one board on any mid-point feed-in table. If there are two boards per table, then there should be two boards on the mid-point feed-in table and so on.

Check that any feed-ins are at the correct tables and that they are controlled by competent players.


Odd number of tables: When EW have finished play at the table immediately before the one at which they started, divide the number of feed-ins by two, and play the resulting number of further rounds. Then ask EW to subtract their current table number from the number of tables in the room plus one and move to the result. Play a further number of rounds equal to half the number of feed-ins.

Even number of tables, no feed-ins: Play a number of rounds equal to half the number of tables, then ask EW to skip one table. Boards move normally. Continue to play until EW have played at their initial table again.

Even number of tables, feed-ins: As for odd number of tables. Remember to include the midpoint table feed-ins in your calculations.