
Under article 21 of the Rules of the Upper Hutt Bridge Club Incorporated:


The management and control of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in the Committee who may exercise all powers and do all acts and things which may be exercised or done by the Club which are not expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Club in General Meeting PROVIDED HOWEVER that the Committee shall not purchase lease or otherwise acquire any real property without the authority of a General Meeting of the Club.

PresidentTim Marwick
Vice PresidentSusan Corbett
Immediate Past PresidentAndrea Carson
TreasurerCatherine Colpman
SecretaryMary Anderson
RecorderAnne Lovell-Smith
Tournament SecretaryAnne Wiltshire
House ConvenorMaureen Mendoza
Committee MembersAndrea Carson
Michael Carson
Charles Colpman
Michelle Krause
Sarah McTaggart
Maureen Mendoza
Janine O’Connor
Jean Pugh
Kevin Rogers
Anne Wiltshire
Honorary Auditorn/a